This past weekend, we did a lot of hanging out at home and relaxing!
Saturday after Chris got off work we went and hung out with some newish friends, Sarah and Danny Naselli.
{Quick story behind that, when I was 18 I started going to a church, Rise Above. I made some friends there that I loved. I ended up moving to Seguin and loss touch with a lot of them, but my sister had come home from California and started hanging out with them a lot and so I somewhat stayed connected. I knew and hung out with Danny and all the guys in his band. So Sarah started going to rise above, got married to Danny and I added her and started talking to her through facebook. And we finally met in person Saturday. ")}
Anyways, I love this girl! She loves photography, tattoos, and she is one of the sweetest most genuine people I've ever met. I'm super excited that she is in my life and I really am looking forward to our friendship! Oh and Danny is cool too, as always :P So my saturday night was filled with talks about Photoshop, Lightroom, and photography things. It was awesome.
Sunday Mornings Chris works at a church called Oak Hills. They have satellite churches all over San Antonio even one in Fredericksburg. Any who, he works at one about 10 minutes from our house, and I actually got up and got the kids up in time to make it to church EARLY!! At least to the second service "P That wasn't so relaxing.. since our "campus" is only a year old they only have Bibleland (which is childcare) for the first service. And since my kids usually sleep until 10am waking them up at 8 to make it to the first service the a bit hard. So I sit in the back of the sanctuary with my kids by the sound booth (where Chris is running sound for the service) And Josiah was having a freak out, he was crying and throwing a fit and I couldn't figure out why, Jocelyn wanted to be held then left alone then held etc.. she wasn't very happy either. LOL I think about it now and I laugh. I was so stressed, I hate when people turn around in their seats and look at the "MOM" who can't keep her kids quite and is being a distraction. *sigh* Good thing is it was a great message and I was actually able to somewhat pay attention. After church we came home and had a very relaxing night in. I worked on some editing while we caught up on last weeks American Idol. (Which I'm SOOO glad that Clint guy went home, he was a good singer [I LOVED HIS VOICE] and all but I really didn't like his attitude. Totally ruined it for me. Sorry Clint)
While I was in Seguin, I decided to go check on my aunt, I'll have to go into the background story on her later cause that's a whole other blog. But just briefly, she once was diagnosed as bi-polar, but I'm pretty sure she is like schizophrenic. But she is in good health and I had a really nice two hour visit with her. Other than her telling me people had cameras in her house watching her every move and that when I lived there when my grandmother was alive we had all been drugged and that was the reason for us all fighting, it was a pretty normal visit. lol I love my aunt and it makes me sad to see her so paranoid but she is still family and I will always be there for her.
So that was my weekend. Now today is very relaxing also. The kids are in really good moods, very much enjoying watching Sesame Street and tonight I'm going to get the shading and stuff done on my tattoo!!!
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