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Monday, November 15, 2010

Love that Blog: Talia Christine

This blog is dear to my heart. It is all about my friend Talia, her life and all that she does. I love to catch up on all the fun stuff that she is doing. And (by the way) she is one of the sweetest people you will ever meet. Please check out her blog and show her some love. 

Let's start with the basics.... Could you tell us a little about yourself. 

I feel like your average 24 year old girl. I fell in love with a bearded kiwi man and moved to New Zealand a few months ago. I spin my own yarn, cut my own hair, and bake my own bread. I'm obsessed with BBQs and cats and all things crafty. I stay in my pajamas far too often. I also play the banjo. See? Average. Right?

That sounds tooootally average. What inspired you to start a blog?

When me and the Mister decided to tie the knot and make the move to New Zealand I knew I would want to keep my friends and family in the loop with what was going on in our lives. I feel like the blog is perfect for that and it shows everyone a slice of our life! I've had lots of friends and family say that they were glad the blog was around because they feel like they know what's going on. Perfect!! I just want everyone to feel included even though we are so far away. It's also the perfect outlet for sharing my crafty side and I can share all my tips! I've made a lot of great friends through my blog readers. It's been really rewarding. 

I'm definitely glad that you decided to start this blog, I love being kept in the loop about your life. And I love all your tips and crafty things you blog about. Being that blog names are (sometimes) the most important, How and why did you decide on your blog name? 

I agree! I think that blog names are important. Unfortunately I couldn't think of anything cool or anything that really represented me, so I chose to just use my name. I really like my name! I don't know anyone else with the name Talia Christine so it feels really special to me.

Nothing wrong with using a beautiful name. What is your favorite thing to blog about and why?

My favorite thing to blog about is my handsome Mr. van der Wel, but I like to throw in some crafty stuff and pictures of cats to spice things up.

Of course the handsome misters are fun to blog about. But who wants to hear about our amazing husbands all the time. Mixing it up with the crafts and cats, genius. What is it that you hope your readers get from your blog?

I hope my readers feel inspired to make and do things themselves. I am passionate about handmade and hope to inspire others to see the beauty in it. Also, I hope to show my readers that married life is awesome. I think marriage and making a life together is a beautiful thing! It's the best journey I've embarked on.

It's definitely inspiring to me. I'm always wanting to try new crafty things. And it's lovely to see how crazy you are about your Mr. van der Wel. What are your favorite types of blogs to read?

My favorites are craft blogs! I can never get enough of them. They inspire me endlessly. Even if I don't always act on that inspiration, I super appreciate seeing others tapping into their crafty side! 

I hear you on that. Reading through blogs can easily suck 4 hours out of my day. What is your favorite hobby aside from blogging?

My favorite hobby is spinning yarn from wool. There's just something about creating something useful and beautiful out of raw materials. Also, if cats were a hobby, I might say cats. I'm crazy in love with cats. There's a million in our neighborhood and it looks like there is always a cat party going on. It's the best thing ever.

I love your yarn!! I hope your shop will be up and running soon. And lastly, What is your favorite dessert?

Chocolate! No wait, cheesecake! No wait, carrot cake!<3


Talia Christine said...

Thanks for the sweet words and including me on your blog!!


paislea said...

awe! i love this! and what a great blog!!

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