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Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Chai Heaven

This morning I was in a pickle, I couldn't decide whether to go with a cup of tea or a good ol' cup of jo. I decided that I would try something a little new. I drink iced chai tea often, but recently Chris and I had gone to a local coffee shop and he got a frozen chai tea latte (which according to him was awesome). So I decided I would make a chai tea latte this morning. I used to not even like chai tea but OH MAN is this good. Here is a rough estimate of the ingredients I used and how I made it.
Start with about 4 cups of water, in a tea kettle. Once boiled throw in 4 individual sized chai tea bags.  Brew for 4 minutes. Add about a 1/4 cup of sugar(I like mine pretty sweet) and about 1/3 to 1/2 cup of milk. Stir and bring back up to a boil. Be careful so it doesn't bubble over! It will happen quick. Pour into your favorite cup and boom you're done. For something extra special top with a little whipped cream and cinnamon. Enjoy.

1 comment:

paislea said...

mmmmm mmmmm mmmmm!!!

this sounds so delicious! i went for a cup of boba this morning! and it was tasty!!
