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Thursday, July 8, 2010

Just some thoughts

I'm so excited about getting back into photography, after being with out a camera for a little over a year I have re-discovered my love for capturing everything. I was talking with Chris yesterday about it, I asked him how good do you think I would be if I would have had a camera this whole time? His response was a little bit of a surprise, He said he didn't think I would be as good as I am now, that God has a funny way of doing things some times and he thinks that me having a break away from my camera did me a lot of good.  I don't know what God's plan was or is but all I can say is taking pictures truly brings me happiness, and I hope that never fades. I'm hoping to use photography to help Chris out by having some income, but at this point I don't want to rely on it as income just because that would be a little too stressful for me at this point.  On the other hand, I don't want to feel taken advantage of, if I'm looking for someone to take pictures of I'll ask you. Don't get me wrong I really REALLY don't mind helping people out and taking photos but being compensated for my time would be nice. And I hate it when people make empty promises, like "oh I'll pay you when I get paid" or "I'll get you some business", seriously people don't offer if you aren't for real.  Sorry if I'm complaining but it's something I needed to get off my chest, some people just don't realize how much work taking photos can be.

In other news, I'm really happy to be teaming up for weddings with one o my really good friends, Ashtin. She is such a great photographer and I'm hoping our relationship will grow and that we can continue to learn from each other. I'm trying to "man her up" a little bit. She's just so sweet, and lives to please everyone, she's going to kill herself trying to please the ones who aren't being reasonable. I love her to death and I don't want anyone taking advantage of her.  

*sigh* I guess I'm done. Getting ready to go take photos of my handsome cousin and his beautiful girlfriend. I can't wait should be lots of fun!

BTW I wanted to dye my hair red, but being a little short on products to do so I ended up with orange hair, I'm digging it. I just might take a suggestion from a friend and add some "low lights" like a fire engine red or something. ")

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