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Friday, January 13, 2012

Quick Cute Josiah Story

Today I made pizza for lunch for the kids and there was some left over, so of course they wanted it for dinner too. As they were eating dinner Chris got home from work, then he came and took a bite of Josiah's pizza (he like to taste test all the food that I make) and says "MAN this taste just like Mr Gatti's pizza!" Josiah responds with "No Dad, it's Mr. Josiah pizza." Just a cute moment that I don't want to forget.

(Josiah and Jocelyn when Jocelyn was a few days old)

Another quick moment from today, after Josiah and I woke up from our nap, we hear Jocelyn crying in her bed (where she was napping.) So I went and got her out of her bed, brought her into my room (where Josiah was still sitting on my bed) and I walked out of the room to use the restroom. I told the kids I would be right back. Jocelyn was pretty cranky and was crying when I walked out. When I came back into the room Josiah had his arms around her and was rubbing her back telling her "it's okay baby, you're alright, mommy is coming right back." Le sigh, he is such an awesome kid and I never want to forget that. He has loved her since the day he met her and I hope the stay best friends forever.

Last little tidbit, after his nap Josiah kept telling me "I need to go to school, and make friends. I need to meet everyone my friends." I guess he has been dreaming about making new friends.

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