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Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Green Eggs and Ham

Nothing can warm my heart like reading books with Josiah. We usually end up reading the same books over and over again. Green eggs and Ham is one of them.

Reading is definitely my favorite part about bed time. But my favorite part about reading books to Josiah is when I finish reading and it's his turn to read to me. He always tells me "Lay down, Mom. I need to read to you."  I love to listen to his little mind working remembering certain parts that I read to him. Making connections to the pictures to what he remembers me saying. "Sam-I-Am," he says. "You like ham and green eggs? Not in a car. Not a fox." He is just so cute. Makes my heart melt with joy. I have been blessed with beautiful children who love listening to me read as much as i love reading to them. I'm a lucky woman.

1 comment:

Mrs. Marquez said...

Fun fact Theodore Gisiel, a.k.a. Dr. Suess wrote Green Eggs and Ham on a bet from his publisher that he couldn't write a book with 50 words or less. Obviously, he won.
