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Thursday, August 18, 2011

Protection, its a funny thing.

Being protected by someone can be a dangerous thing. As a child, you are protected by a parent, grandparent, or someone loving in your life. Most of these guardians will do what they can to guide you into making the correct decisions, to try and protect you from hurt and pain. They will fail sometimes. Thats just life. And sometimes there are just some things you have to figure out for yourself. Eventually there will come a time where you grow into your own person to make your own decisions about life. Although they will be there to offer their wisdom and protect you when you ask, you don't completely depend on them anymore. You have to learn from life and hurt and pain to become your own person.

As a wife, you are protected by your husband. You let him protect you to show him respect. He typically will do what he can to guard you from hurt and pain. Sometimes he fails, for some, he always fails. Sometimes there are things you just have to figure out for yourself.

My question is, as a woman who is made to love, to receive love, who survives off of love, what's to much protection? And what do you do when the person "protecting" you lets you down over and over again. How is that trust rebuilt?

I think that trust and respect run (somewhat) hand in hand. I think you can respect someone to an extent, but if they repeatedly break your trust and lie over and over again, you won't or can't fully respect them. How long does it take to heal? Will it ever heal? Will you ever trust them again? Or will you have that nagging feeling in your heart forever?

I've dealt with a lot of hurt, as most people probably have. I've learned to just keep carrying through life, cause that's what you are supposed to do right? Just let the people you love most in the world hurt you over and over again. The point is to stand strong and get through it with head held high, right? To learn and grow from each experience? What doesn't kill you makes you stronger, right? Eventually the love and trust will return. One day.

Just have to focus on the good things and the rest will just blur into something you don't recognize.


Not giving up is the important thing.

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